Apr 26Liked by Bandan Jot Singh

Very insightful information. Thank you for this and keep up the great work

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Great analysis! It's fascinating to consider how Reddit's IPO might affect its community dynamics and overall growth. I'm curious about how they plan to handle moderation in light of these changes. How do you think Reddit will balance user growth with the push for monetization? Do you believe they can maintain their unique culture and appeal to long-time users while scaling up?

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Apr 21Liked by Bandan Jot Singh

Hi, thank you for your regular newsletter.

I want ot highlite that I don't agree with you about comparison of Reddit and Instagram.

You wrote

"Today, Reddit has been able to attract a very different segment from its ealry days. Let’s compare. While Instagram user base is more evenly distributed across all age groups and Facebook skews more towards older users (13% of users are >55-year-old), Reddit has much younger user base in general (44% of users are aged 18 to 29)."

But if you will check the data that you provide on screenshot and try to compare the same segments, you will see that audience of Insta actually younger (here my calculations - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1InHl4yqLz_b8BGlcr8C-kA2in_vXlQMqA0eRX22ASVU/edit?usp=sharing) My calculations very rough, I equally split some groups, which is obviusly not right, but for such comment it should be enough. Also I recalculater Insta audience share without 13-17, to be more comparable with Reddit (in other case Insta audience will be even younger).

Reddit users up to 44 years - 66%, Insta users up to 44 - 83%.

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"1 billion monthly troglodytes" needs to be their slogan. I still never saw in them what Digg 1.0 didn't do better a decade ago.

I guess on the one hand, it's a different kind of toxic than the other social media platforms... even if each subreddit seems to start open before coalescing around a prevailing groupthink.

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Interesting piece, thanks!

We're big advocates of community management and public community support over at Mava.app!

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Great overview, thank you.

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